Stiefingtal - a showcase region is getting climate - ready
The communities of Stiefingtal have been successfully adapting to the man-made climate crisis for several years. The common goal is to protect themselves from the damage and learn to cope with it.
Since 2018, the Climate and Energy Fund of the Austrian Federal Government has been supporting protective measures in the Stiefing Valley to protect against and deal with the damage caused by the climate crisis.
Stiefingtal is a KLAR! Region - a climate change adaptation model region. The region set a wide variety of activities in recent years. The project will be continued until 2026. The Stiefingtal developed a tailor-made adaptation concept. Eleven concrete measures are being implemented:
- Climate-smart forest
- Projects with children and young people
- Water
- Climate-friendly buildings
- Climate-adapted farmland
- Tree and shrub planting compaigns
- Climate-friendly communities
- Natural hazards and climate crisis
- Networking
- Combating neophytes
- Disaster management
The planned activities are diverse and range from show testing fields to excursions, lecture evenings and regulars' tables.
„We are the first generation to feel climate change first hand and possibly the last generation that can really do something about it.“, says Ing. Mag. Wolfgang Neubauer, chairman of KLAR! Stiefingtal.
Information_sheet.pdf (pdf, 221KB)New building guidelines in an Austrian valley region are playing a vital role in transforming existing and new construction methods - creating climate-resilient buildings and enhancing their residents’ quality of life.
Image credit: Arch. Oster
The mission aims to address climate-related challenges. The KLAR! Region - the climate change adaptation model region - Stiengtal is part of it. The mayors of the six municipalities signed the EU - Charter "Adaptation to Climate Change". They thereby declare their willingness to nd concrete solutions for the greatest challenges of the current climate crisis.
New ideas for climate change adaptation were developed by the participants of the ideas workshop. Citizens from all municipalities in the Stiefing Valley worked together to develop measures for three major thematic blocks. The best ideas are to be implemented in the coming years.
1. Water management
2. Climate change-adapted municipalities / climate change-adapted infrastructure / climate change-adapted construction
3. Garden, Plant, Forest & Field